Frequently Asked Questions:
For Pet Services
Why Do You Need to Groom Cats?
Even some of the most responsible cat owners believe the myth that cats hate water. The truth of the matter is that while cats may choose to take a shower or jump in the bath on their own, they are also more than capable of enjoying all the benefits that a regular warm soapy soak has to offer.
At IB Groomin, we strongly recommend that cat owners bring their feline friends to us as early as possible. The younger a kitten is when they reach us, the better they will adapt to the routine of regular warm baths.
Why Is it Important to Treat Your Pets to Regular Nail Care Treatments?
Failing to have the nails of your pet clipped and maintained correctly could prove extremely costly for your home. Wooden floors, freshly painted walls or wooden chair and table legs could all become a playground for a cat, dog or even rabbit with excessively long nails. So, to ensure the upkeep of your home, you need to treat your pet to regular nail care treatments from us.
That being said, as bad as long nails are for your home, they are a lot worse for your pet. Failing to cut, your pet’s nails can result in injuries ranging from torn nails to arthritis. This is particularly true for dogs’ nails as they are curved, so if they grow too long they can dig into their paw pads and cause extreme pain. To avoid inflicting this level of pain on your pet, make sure that their nails are treated regularly.